Monday, 14 May 2012

1 day down...

Lunch Day 1
Dinner - was grim!!

So it's nearly 10pm and it's 1 day down

Today wasn't as bigger challenge as I thought - I guess it's day one so it's still new and exciting! I survived with my squash at work, had some 'functional' noodles for lunch and then well the less said about dinner the better. Never buy tinned meatballs they are rank

I have bought my bread for tomorrows breakfast but tomorrow poses it's own challenge. I am out of the office at Richmond Park tomorrow at a big Queens Diamond Jubilee event - that means I will be active and talking to the public all day as well as surrounded by things like big burger vans etc

But it will be fine...then I have to make my decision - I'm meant to be going out in the evening to the pub! Do I go and drink water showing strong willpower or do I sack it off because I'd be surrounded by people drinking? Let's see how I feel

Tomorrow's menu is as follows:

Breakfast - Toast and Jam
Lunch - left over cold Spaghetti and Meatballs
Dinner - Spaghetti loops on Toast

The big bonus however as I write this is that you lovely people have taken me over my fundraising target so thank you for your support of Positive Women and the kids that will benefit...but as it's only Day one the aim is now to see if I can reach double the sponsorship target

As always here's the link -



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