So you will maybe have seen plenty of people this past week 'Living Below The Line' - I'm doing mine starting Monday (a variety of reasons to be a week later but at least I can see how hard it's gonna be) - and I thought I would explain what it is and why I'm doing it.
Live Below The Line is quite simple - £5 budget for 5 days food and drink - no more than £1 a day can be spent. On average I spend £5 a day just on lunch or on fizzy energy drinks but next week lunch will be 25p or so maximum...
I am doing it to support a charity called Positive Women (formerly known as The Children of Swaziland) who help Women and Children in Swazilad suffering from HIV/AIDS. It is quite simple £42 sends an orphan to school for a year hence my aim of £210 to try and get 5 kids to school.
I have in the past done The Great North Run for Positive Women but this is a different kind of fundraising and to me much more of a challenge...
You see I'm a fussy eater there are more foods that I don't eat than I do and not only that I am addicted to Fizzy drinks especially Lucozade. I can drink around 2 litres of Coke a day and on an average day in the office will have at least 1 Lucozade if not 2!! This coming week total Lucozade = 0
I also eat meat with every meal - why? Cos I like it that's why and love meat what can I say - but next week it doesn't look like I will have any meat at all (maybe something cheap that passes itself off as meat but that's about it and if I budget properly) I am a bit of a tightwad with my money I am happy to admit but to me that means buying slightly cheaper meat and products than the 'Best of...' brands. I can spend around £50 - £75 a week on food no sweat...
BUT many people can't especially those in Swaziland. I have been and seen 'outposts' where Positive Women alongside charities such as SWAPOL, feed orphans just so they can survive from day to day. These little kids survive on less than £5 a week as the norm...this week it will be an exception for me to do it not the norm like these kids.
So let the challenge commence I will aim to post a daily blog outlining what I am planning on eating and how it is going. If you want to support the work Positive Women is doing and help me out with motivation you can sponsor me here:
Let's see if this tubby fizzy drinking guy can survive on £1 a day for 5 days...
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